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EDC Minutes 03-24-2010

MINUTES                                                                              MARCH 24, 2010
SPRENKEL ROOM                                                                          TOWN HALL

PRESENT: Chairperson Louise Neary, Sue Burnham, James Murray, Dwight Johnson, Edwina Futtner, Linda Jeski, Mark Lillis, Alternate Roseann Williams and Alternate Bill Jodice

ABSENT: Jan Murtha, Joseph Carino, Marilyn Morrison, John Mitchell and Joseph Kennedy

ALSO PRESENT: EDC Consultant Craig Stevenson arrived at 7:48pm.

1. Call Meeting to Order: Chairperson Neary called the meeting to order at 7:00pm

2. Roll Call: The above-mentioned members introduced themselves.

3. Public Participation: None.

4. Approval of Minutes:
        Minutes of 2-24-2010: A motion was made by Commissioner Futtner and seconded by Commissioner Lillis to approve the minutes of February 24, 2010 with the following corrections: item 5. should say “Chairperson Neary asked…” and item 6. should say “Chairperson Neary stated that business…” also item 6. should say “The Chamber of Commerce has a college intern this summer that will be visiting businesses to promote the website and inform businesses of its value.” and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

5. Old Business:
        CT Studios Update: Chairperson Neary attended the meeting with the abutting neighbors. The format was informal with displays around the exterior of the room and people could go and ask questions of the individuals.

6. Committee Report:
        Report from Joseph Carino, Liaison-Water Pollution Control Authority: A motion was made by Commissioner Futtner and seconded by Commissioner  to accept Commissioner Carino’s report via Mr. Stevenson and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

        Report from Louise Neary and Sue Burnham-Discover South Windsor: Commissioner Burnham reported that the hits for the site are up slightly (646) and the committee is working to make connections with the houses of worship and youth sports organizations to have their information on the site. The committee has also purchased Photoshop 8 to work on improving the photos on the site. Commissioner Burnham brought the Harford County 2010 informational magazine for commissioners to view. Chairperson Neary reported that there is a new logo incorporating a cartoon character with a magnifying glass. Commissioner Burnham isn’t sure if the new logo has been approved.
Commissioner Jeski is currently reviewing some areas of the site to make sure things are consistent, spelling is correct and links work.

7. Communications and Remarks:
        Report from Louise Neary, Chairperson: None.

        Report from Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant:
Mr. Stevenson arrived at 7:48pm.
Mr. Stevenson stated that he had a conversation with Dave Sessions with ECHN and provided him with information on applying for assistance. Mr. Sessions will need to complete the paperwork before appearing before EDC.
The Town Council approved the tax abatement for NuWay Tobacco.
Mr. Stevenson stated that a plan needs to be developed for the entire Evergreen Walk Phase III before the State will consider providing assistance.
A grant application has been filed for a Brownfield grant totaling $200,000 to clean up the site Hi-G wants to redevelop.
CT  Studios, VFX, is a studio and that is a special effects business that would make CT Studios the only full-service studio outside LA.
Mr. Stevenson commented on the meeting for the abutting neighbors and stated that most of the concerns involved traffic. Most of the problems seemed to be on Chapel Road and it doesn’t seem that CT Studios will impact or alleviate the issues. Town staff is working to have traffic use Rte. 5 and Rte. 291. Chairperson Neary stated that the studios stated that they don’t want noise getting out or in and therefore they insulate the buildings.
The Studios will be using pervious asphalt to allow water to flow through and will be containing 100 percent of the run-off, including for a one-hundred year storm. Town staff was critical working with the  Studios to make sure they knew exactly what requirements they needed to meet.
Mr. Stevenson spoke at the public hearing and let people know that union and local contractors will be used and some have already been contacted.
The groundbreaking will be scheduled for mid to late April and construction will begin in June with planned opening for the first sound stage in December.
There is a measure at the State Legislature to allow the town to approve tax abatement for fourteen years if approved by the Town Council.
Mr. Stevenson recommends a special meeting for the EDC to make an official recommendation to the Town Council for the abatement request.
Mr. Stevenson shared an article that appeared in the last iTowns section of the Courant focusing on the CT Studios project.

8. New Business: Commissioner Burnham reminded fellow commissioners about the chamber dinner next week.
Chairperson Neary asked if any commissioners know of sites in town that would be good for development. Commissioner Murray commented about West Hartford’s connection with Google and the installation of fiber optics. Mr. Stevenson stated that he thinks that there is a competition throughout the country that will allow one town to install this type of fiber optics. Chairman Neary asked if the town should pursue it and Mr. Stevenson stated that he isn’t aware of the application process but that it would be a good opportunity. Mr. Stevenson will look into it.

9. General Discussion: The next regular meeting will be on April 21, 2010-Chairperson Neary will be on vacation- Commissioner Burnham will be chairing.
Commissioner Murtha has requested information about going into executive session to discuss financial information regarding CT Studios and Chairperson Neary discovered that it is fine to go into executive session at any time for this type of discussion.

10. Adjournment: A motion was made by Commissioner Futtner and seconded by Commissioner Jeski to adjourn at 8:22pm and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Catherine Potter

Approved:  May 26, 2010